Wednesday 25 April 2012

Laughlin, Nevada back to Canada

 Spent a very relaxing two weeks in Nevada and were pleased to find such beautiful beaches at Lake Mojave, a 10 minute drive from our spot at Riverside Casino RV Resort.  The beach was spectacular and the dogs ran and ran in the sand dunes which came right down to the water.  Temperatures were in the mid 30's C and we enjoyed the 1 mile walk through hilly desert and then sand dunes. 

The desert was just starting to bloom and the hot pink flowers were a bright spot on the sand.  The water was very cold, but Pogo loves to swim and tried to pull Gord in a few times.  Finally we just let her go.

 This seems to be a bridge to nowhere.  A fascinating design, but the other side of the bridge has not been finished.  Right along the Colorado River the paved path winds through hills of dirt.  Equipment is sitting around, but appears to have been there for some time.

Took a jetboat with friends to Lake Havasu and London Bridge.  Fun and fast trip through amazing surroundings.  Enjoyed lunch and a walk around the water front.

 Somewhere on the drive home to Vernon, BC.
After a month in Vernon we will be leaving for our cross Canada trip.  Another adventure coming up!
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