Saturday 19 May 2012

Kakabeka Falls to Thunder Bay

Kakabeka Falls are beautiful and we camped about 5 minutes away. 

Terry Fox Memorial - Extremely well done.

A true Canadian hero.

First run for a group of about 100 bikes met at Terry's Memorial and were driving to Nipigon.

Thunder Bay's waterfront statues.  Very cute.

More statues - A great place to wander around.  Other than the lack of restaurants we enjoyed the area.  Saw two weddings, must have been a Saturday.

Gord at the waterfront.

These were fascinating and were made of stainless steel.  Not quite sure what they represented.

The old CN train station in foreground.  The water is where the ice skating rink is in the winter. 

View from Hillcrest Park of the Sleeping Giant in Thunder Bay
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