May 29, 2012. Some of the amazing scenery between Kingston and Morrisburg.
Every little island has a cottage or house on it.
Upper Canada Village. One of the first things we see is a reward poster for one Jeremiah French - a relative?
Must have been a good guy.
A waterwheel runs this sawmill with a system of levers that ran the bandsaw. Took 15 minutes to cut a slab 14' long, reset and moved it 2" to cut a plank.
Wheat was ground in this mill then taken to the on site bakery and turned into bread. We bought one whole wheat loaf which was delicious and heavy, but costly at $5.25. We definitely paid for the milling of the wheat as well. A cheesemaker is onsite as well and everything is done as from the 1850's. 900 pounds of milk made 90 pounds of cheddar cheese. Delicious as well.
The Methodist Church where a melodian was being played
Two to four horses walked in circles to run a system of gears which turned a shaft and the shaft in turn moved another set of gears which operated a bell crank that moved the sawblade back and forth horizonally. They use the wood for firewood within Upper Canada Village.
Loved this place. A storm finally drove us away, but we saw most of the displays. This should be a must for every Canadian as well.
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