Saturday 2 June 2012

Trenton Air Force Museum

 May 26, 20112
One of the few Brit cars we saw on our trip so far.  A great day for a drive.  He was in front of us on our way to Trenton.

This Museum was an amazing place and extremely well done. 

The National Air Force Museum in Trenton, ON is a must see even if you are not interested in planes.  Our military history is well displayed with lots of personal items from soldiers right back to the first planes in the early 19th century.  Very moving and informative.

Much to our surprise their was a group of Plymouth's from 1927 to 1932 visiting the A.F. museum as well.  Bonus!

A part of our Air Force from 1914 or so!  Didn't last long apparently.

Names of men and women who have or are serving in the Canadian Air Force today.  Lots of women are named as pilots who transported planes to Europe.  There were thousands of these on the ground around the entire site.

?  We've forgotten

An F86 Sabre - Part of an acrobatic team called the Golden Hawks prior to Snowbirds.


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